Online Workshops
Check here regularly to see the new postings for online professional development.
Traveling the NGSS Highway: Engage & Explore - Workshop Series 1 - Cookie Barker, Sarah Fink, and Sarah Silvernail
Are you wondering how to best navigate the Next Generation Science Standards? Science teachers Cookie Barker, Sarah Fink, and Sarah Silvernail from the 3D Science Café will help you map out your journey. We will engage workshop participants in an inquiry lesson showcasing the instructional strategies found to be effective in our own classrooms.
Graphic organizers and templates developed by the café educators will help you build your own phenomenon-based 3-dimensional lessons to use immediately with your students. This workshop series is offered over multiple sessions to allow for peer collaboration and support, giving you the confidence to continue designing NGSS-compatible lessons.
TBD 6:30pm - 8:30pm EST
TBD 6:30pm - 7:30pm EST
TBD 6:30pm - 8:30pm ES
August 31, 2020 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Socially Distanced Science for K-5 Educators - Sarah Silvernail & Cookie Barker
Sarah Silvernail and Cookie Barker of the 3D Science Café will engage participants in a 3-dimensional, phenomenon-based lesson that is congruent with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the NYS Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS.) Participants will learn how to merge physical materials with digital collaboration to engage students in Science, even from 6 ft apart. Participants will experience the lesson firsthand to see how it will work in their classrooms. Plan on being an active participant!
With a focus on K-5, this workshop will center on making Science work this year in the elementary classroom.
August 18, 2020 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Keeping All Students Engaged with Remote Learning K-12 - Cookie Barker and Sarah Fink
Engage in a 3-dimensional lesson that models the use of merging hard copy science journals with digital collaboration techniques, geared toward helping teachers manage student accountability for learning in a remote environment. This workshop is applicable to teachers K-12 and is NGSS and NYSSLS friendly.
August 13, 2020 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Socially Distanced Science for K-5 Educators - Sarah Silvernail
Sarah Silvernail of the 3D Science Café will engage participants in a 3-dimensional, phenomenon-based lesson that is congruent with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the NYS Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS.) Participants will learn how to merge physical materials with digital collaboration to engage students in Science, even from 6 ft apart. Participants will experience the lesson firsthand to see how it will work in their classrooms. Plan on being an active participant!
With a focus on K-5, this workshop will center on making Science work this year in the elementary classroom.
July 23, 2020 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST
Keeping All Students Engaged with Remote Learning K-12 - Cookie Barker and Sarah Fink
Engage in a 3-dimensional lesson that models the use of merging hard copy science journals with digital collaboration techniques, geared toward helping teachers manage student accountability for learning in a remote environment. This workshop is applicable to teachers K-12 and is NGSS and NYSSLS friendly.
July 21, 2020 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Keeping All Students Engaged with Remote Learning K-12 - Cookie Barker and Sarah Fink
Engage in a 3-dimensional lesson that models the use of merging hard copy science journals with digital collaboration techniques, geared toward helping teachers manage student accountability for learning in a remote environment. This workshop is applicable to teachers K-12 and is NGSS and NYSSLS friendly.